Take advantage of prepaid range time at a discounted rate. Value cards are perfect as they allow you the flexibility to come in at your leisure.  Value Cards allow you to buy range time in a bulk format, saving you money and time when you come to the Metro Golf Sportsplex.

A value card can save you between 15% and 25% over regular range rates!  Check out our rates without the value card, you can find this information under our range rates category.  Neither our Value Cards or Gift Certificates expire!

Winter Value Cards – valid October to April

Five 30-minute range sessions

$79.99/each    QTY
Summer Value Cards – valid May to September

Five 30-minute range sessions

$53.99/each    QTY

Gift Certificates

Gift Certificate are available in $1.00 increments. Please select the quantity of units you wish to purchase to set the amount of your gift certificate. NOTE: the minimum value for a Gift Certificate purchase is $10.

If you wish to purchase multiple Gift Certificates, click Add Another to have an additional row available to specify the Gift Card amount.

Gift Card Value Increments of $1.00
Number of increments